WSJ editor, in defense of the filibuster, claims the Senate “was designed to ensure some balance between the interests of urban and rural parts of the country” Historians be like, Urban? In 1787? That's cuz the design was intended to balance populous states vs. less populous states. Also, slave vs free. 

Senator Rand Paul says 2021 GOP voter suppression laws can’t be racist because over 50 years ago Democrats supported Jim Crow policies.  

Freedom Works shares a John Adams “quote” that the second POTUS never uttered. But a actor playing him in a 1969 musical said it, so there's that. Best to always verify those interwebby quotes by consulting WikiQuote and other reliable sources.​​

ND Legislator says Black Americans Are “Glad Their Ancestors Were Brought Here as Slaves.” Terry B.Jones said he came by this understanding after reading a Reader's Digest article in the 1980s in which an African American doctor who traveled to Africa said he was glad his ancestors had been brought to the US. Research into the RD archive turned up no such article, but whatever. 

The San Francisco school board took a lot of heat for what appeared to be an arbitrary - and in a few instances puzzling - decision to rename 40 schools. When asked why they had not consulted historians, they said members thought historians would just add  confusion to the debate.  FULL STORY HERE

Rep. Lauren Boebert, a self-described "Constitutionalist," reveals stunning ignorance about amending the Constitution. She tweeted "Protecting and defending the Constitution doesn’t mean trying to rewrite the parts you don’t like." Of course, it turns out she is currently co-sponsoring a Constitutional amendment to limit the number of terms a person can serve in Congress.


Texas Governor Abbott names 1847 Colt Walker “official handgun” of TX, falsely claiming “It was invented by a Texas Ranger & was America’s first six-shooter.” Samuel Colt (from Connecticut!) invented the six-shooter in 1836 and the Texas Ranger, Samuel Walker, only advised on the pistol in question. FULL STORY HERE

Gina Carano fired from 'The Mandalorian' after likening Republicans being criticized in the wake of the attack on the US Capitol by a Trumpian mob to victims of Nazis. Here's a sample: “Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?” Yeah. We strongly recommend she Google Godwin's Law. Plus read some books ...  


Historic site (Fort Pillow, TN) of notorious Confederate massacre of black Union soldiers, honors on anniversary “those who lost their lives” on both sides that day, i.e., both killers and victims. This type of “both sidesism” when it comes to the Civil War is known as The Lost Cause, a self-serving and inaccurate version of history that downplayed slavery and justified the imposition of white supremacy (Jim Crow) after Reconstruction.​ Turns out, this place also features a bust of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest who oversaw the massacre, and sells books denying the massacre occurred. Yup. In. 2021. 

GOP lawmakers in Arkansas propose an astonishingly inaccurate resolution about Black History Month. We are tempted to summarize it but a) it's such a work of impeccable dumbfuckery that would be impossible and b) you really should just read it to get the full effect. DISCLAIMER: the Weemsy Awards are not responsible for any loss of IQ points resulting from reading said proclamation.


Fox host, apparently unaware of something called slavery, says US-Mexico border situation could be “the largest human trafficking event ever in the history of the world." FULL STORY HERE

MyPillow guy Mike Lindell says “our founding fathers” defined “what free speech is” in the Constitution (and it didn’t include swearing). Sadly, for Mike anyway, they didn't. Oddly enough, the occasion was his announcement that he was launching a new media platform dedicated to free speech, that would, according to him, not allow all kinds of free speech, including naughty words and anything contrary to the Constitution and the Lawd.   

Rep Paul Gosar quotes a U2 song about MLK to praise a Jan 6 domestic terrorist. He wrote on Twitter in reference to Capitol rioter Ashli Babbitt who was shot and killed while attacking American democracy: "They took her life. They could not take her pride, #onemoreinthenameoflove.” Cuz she and MLK had soooooo much in common .....

The GOP’s short-lived "America First Caucus" declared it was committed to restoring the US to its “Anglo Saxon” roots and that “History has shown that societal trust and political unity are threatened when foreign citizens are imported en-masse into a country.” The only problem is they neglected to footnote early 20th C nativists and KKK who said basically the same thing.  

Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) fails epically in trying to mock Pete Buttigieg for his thoroughly accurate statement about racism influencing highway construction through black neighborhoods. We suggest Googling the phrases "urban renewal" and "Negro removal" for the 411 on highways as monuments of racist policy. 

Rep Louie Gohmert quotes Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King in SCOTUS filing aimed at overturning Biden’s election and nullifying 90% of African American votes. Remind us - what was Dr. King's position on voting rights? 

Utah school allows students to opt out of Black History Month curriculum. Let's file this one under It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time. And then - surprise - it suddenly seemed like a terrible idea as the public learned of the policy and did not need any help figuring out why anyone would opt out. The school quickly backpedaled and the policy was rescinded, but ...


White House spokesman Hogan Gidley says Trump is the “most masculine” president in US history. We'll grant that Trump likely was the "most" in some US president categories, but "most masculine"? Something tells us that Theodore Roosevelt, not to mention all those other US presidents who fought in US wars and were great athletes, might object, given that Trump avoided military service and that he has long believed that exercise and sports (except golf) are harmful to the body.    

New York 4th graders are taught that slaves agreed to work for colonists in “exchange for a trip to America.” Apparently the teacher involved downloaded the worksheet from the Internet, so there's that. The good news? The school district has ordered a reexamination of their social studies curriculum. 

Trump awards Rep Devin Nunes the nation's highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom, for uncovering “the greatest scandal in American history.” The Whiskey Ring, Credit Mobilier, Teapot Dome, and Watergate were unavailable for comment. 

Sen Josh Hawley claims the US “is the country founded on the worth and dignity of every individual” [Historians: bahahahahahahahahah] FULL STORY HERE

FL teacher tells class slaves were not whipped by white people and “the n-word just means ignorant”


Oklahoma GOP leader compares vaccine mandates to Holocaust: "Take away the star and add a vaccine passport" FULL STORY HERE

Trump protests Robert E. Lee monument removal, says Lee was “perhaps the greatest unifying force after the war.” Well, maybe for white folks, but even that’s debatable.  FULL STORY HERE

Rep Lauren Boebert declares that a lack of press conferences makes Biden “the least transparent president in history” FULL STORY HERE

Writer David Harsanyi, in defending recent voter suppression efforts in Republican-controlled states, says slavery and Jim Crow were the products of “democracy” - we guess because in his view democracy is a bad thing. In any case, we're confident any high schooler in AP US history could tell you that the foundation of Jim Crow was the mass disenfranchisement of black voters. So, the opposite of democracy. And slavery? Don't get us started ....

Rep Jim Jordan says Trump should not be impeached because of … the history of flight? After citing the Wright Brothers, Chuck Yeager, and Neil Armstrong, he observed: “In one lifetime, in 66 years, two guys flying a hundred feet to putting a man on the moon…That’s what this country is capable of. That’s what we can do. So I hope, I hope we defeat this [impeachment].” OK. Shhhhuuuuure... 

Senator Ted Cruz says critical race theory is as racist as “Klansmen in white sheets.” 

West Virginia lawmakers propose bill to protect Confederate monuments. Which is rather interesting, given the fact that WV sided with the Union in the Civil War and 32,000 state residents joined the Union Army. FULL STORY HERE

Eric Trump says his father is the most “beloved political figure in US history.” Obviously sonny boy has a job to do, but this one required approximately zero research to refute. 

VA congressional candidate praises Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee as “Two of the greatest generals” in US Army history, even though their "greatness" was achieved fighting AGAINST the US Army.  But cool Memorial Day tweet, man. ​ ​FULL STORY HERE

TV host Chuck Woolery praises Hitler in a bizarro tweet about critical race theory in the US. He wrote on Twitter: "Critical Race theory is based on Critical theory, given to the world by Marxists from the Frankfort School in Germany. When Hitler cracked down on them they Columbia University in NYC and they remain there to this day." 

Stephen Miller claims “No president in history has been dealt a better hand on day one than President Biden” (400K+ covid deaths? shattered economy? no vaccine distribution plan? coup attempt?).  FULL STORY HERE

NC school asks 4th graders to write proslavery hashtags for Civil War assignment. One student wrote, “you may not agree with slavery but I do and I’m honest about it. #Slaveryforlife.” Another using the name “Confederate4life” wrote, “why do we need to leave the county. We can stay and our slaves! #SLAVERYFOREVER.” Yeah, a whole lotta learning going on there.


Commentator Matt Walsh declares LGBTQ Equality Act “the most serious assault on women’s rights in American history.” Whose gonna tell him about the fight for the right to divorce? Property ownership? The vote? Abortion? 


Texas GOP lawmaker defends new voter suppression law by citing the need to uphold the “Purity of the ballot box” – the very term used by white supremacists to disenfranchise Black voters after the Civil War. Google the video. He gets positively schooled by a representative who opposed the legislation.  FULL STORY HERE

Rep Steve Scalise mischaracterizes Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address as a call for healing in his speech against impeaching Trump. He seems to not have read the address all the way through to the part where Lincoln says the Union must first defeat the Confederacy before the nation can be made whole again. 

Rush Limbaugh Likens Capitol Rioters to Founding Fathers: “We’re supposed to be horrified by the protesters. There’s a lot of people out there calling for the end of violence…I am glad Sam Adams, Thomas Paine, the actual Tea Party guys, the men at Lexington and Concord, didn’t feel that way.” 

Rep Kevin McCarthy says, “Critical Race Theory goes against everything Martin Luther King Jr. taught us” and gets schooled by MLK’s daughter on what the civil rights leader actually said about race and structural racism. FULL STORY HERE

Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene says Jan 6 Capitol insurrection was in line with “what our Declaration of Independence says” FULL STORY HERE

South Carolina lawmakers propose a monument to honor Black Confederate veterans who, um, never existed. The myth that there were thousands of Black Confederates who willingly fought to protect the Confederacy just won't die - because it serves to suggest that secession and the Confederacy were not all about protecting slavery (spolier: they were). 

Rep Matt Gaetz claims US fought wars to make sure American children didn’t have British accents. FULL STORY HERE

History packets for Utah students claim “most slaves were generally treated kindly”  FULL STORY HERE

Sen Lindsey Graham -  seemingly unaware of the overthrow of Reconstruction after the Civil War, a process that stripped millions of black southerners of their right to vote in order to establish Jim Crow white supremacy -  labels Democrats’ election reform bill the “biggest power grab” in US History. 

Washington state commissioner compares himself to Rosa Parks in protesting state mask mandate  FULL STORY HERE

Arizona GOP tweets out a pro-Trump painting that many noticed looked A LOT like traitor Benedict Arnold. Oops. Maybe it was the thought that counted? 

Charlie Kirk says Founding Fathers Would Have Used the Military to Stop Drag Queens From Reading to Kids. Said Kirk, “If Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, or John Adams saw Drag Queen Story Hour, they would mobilize the Minutemen.”  FULL STORY HERE

South Dakota high schoolers plan (then cancel) a “slave auction” fundraiser​. Apparently such auctions have been popular in the state for decades, but most organizations had dropped the label "slave." Not these guys, who also kept the phrase "branding" 

Retired NFL fullback Anthony Sherman compares COVID-19 vax wristbands to racial segregation. Sherman tweeted: "The @NFL is making players wear colored wrist bands now based on vaccination status," Sherman tweeted Saturday. "Funny, I thought we all agreed on the evils of segregation back in the 60s. Here we are again- only this time it’s based on personal health choices instead of skin color." FULL STORY HERE

Oregon school staffer shows up in blackface as “Rosa Parks” to protest Covid-19 vax requirement FULL STORY HERE

Sen Mike Braun complains, “The Founders never intended the federal government to grow to this size.” Memo: other things they “never intended” include the abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, a massive military, decaffeinated coffee, frisbees…  FULL STORY HERE

Conservative Missouri lawmakers have LGBT history exhibit removed from state Capitol  FULL STORY HERE

Rep Greg Steube cites an 1869 "free speech" defense of a KKK leader in his defense of Trump at impeachment hearing. Because, why not? 

Radio host Ty Smith rejects CRT, saying slavery, “was not initially a racist thing it never was about race” FULL STORY HERE

Sen. Mitch McConnell says 1619, the year African slavery began in the colonies, was not an important date in US history. Now, one could argue its importance relative to 1776 or 1865 or 1968, but not important? Seems the senator for some reason WANTS 1619 it to be unimportant, but that's not how history works. FULL STORY HERE

TX Senate Passes Bill to Remove Required Lessons on Civil Rights Movements from Public School Curriculum. It also drops requirements for teachers to include lessons on Cesar Chavez, Susan B. Anthony, the history of Native Americans, the writings of Martin Luther King, Jr. FULL STORY HERE

Tucker Carlson calls vaccine requirements “medical Jim Crow.” Because, as he explained: “If we still had water fountains, the unvaccinated would have separate ones.” Wow.  

TV host Greg Kelly unearths HUGE finding connecting Lee Harvey Oswald to Barack Obama. At one point they apparently lived a few blocks from each other in New York City. Cool conspiracy theory, except that Obama was 2 years old when Oswald killed JFK and then was shot to death. FULL STORY HERE

Sen candidate Josh Mandel says, “The Founders would have tarred & feathered Dr. Fauci.” You mean the Founders like Washington, Adams, Jefferson, etc who promoted smallpox inoculation?  FULL STORY HERE

Senator Josh Hawley says Americans are “proud to be in a country that liberated slaves,” but trashes those who would discuss the history of slavery and why it took 246 years of struggle and a Civil War to bring about its abolition. 


Tucker Carlson says “what Democrats have in mind is a new version of Reconstruction,” indicating a) he knows nothing about Reconstruction, or b) he subscribes to a long-discredited and racist account of Reconstruction known as the "Dunning School." Either way, not a good look. 

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem requests state appropriate $900,000 toward revamping social studies curriculum to emphasize why the US “is the most special nation in the history of the world.” Here's a little more: “I have tasked my administration with creating instructional materials and classroom resources on America’s founding, our nation’s history, and the state’s history...Through all of this, our common mission and key objective need to be explaining why the United States of America is the most special nation in the history of the world.”

Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene claims the US invented electricity. "The American People invented electricity, automobiles, airplanes, televisions, cell phones, and virtually every other incredible invention before social media." 

Sen Mike Crapo Celebrates "Vietnam War" Vet – Who Died at Pearl Harbor. Missed it by only 25 years or so! FULL STORY HERE

Fox’s George Murdoch praises America for “relatively short” history of slavery, by which he means 246 years?​  FULL STORY HERE

Nike creates a WNBA jersey that celebrates a WWII military unit (the WASPs) that, on the one hand, allowed over 1,000 women to serve their country by flying military aircraft, but on the other hand excluded black women. Not a good look considering that 67% of WNBA players are African American.  As we say a lot around here, they shoulda asked a @%&*? historian.  

Former Trump Advisor Peter Navarro Claims Dr. Anthony Fauci Is “Biggest Mass Murderer In History.” Navarro explained, "For whatever reasons, Fauci wanted to weaponize that virus, and he is the father of it. He has killed millions of Americans" 

TN State Rep Lafferty claims the three-fifths compromise was included in the Constitution “for the purpose of ending slavery.” The only problem is that he's five-fifths incorrect: it was designed to give greater political power to slaveholding states as a way to PROTECT slavery.  

Sen Kyrsten Sinema defends the filibuster, falsely claiming it was created "as a tool to bring together members of different parties to find compromise” - not to protect slavery and stymie civil rights laws. 

White teacher dons Native American costume in “attempt to create a fun learning environment.” Principal apologizes and promises, “You can expect to see positive changes in future lessons.”  FULL STORY HERE

Trump claims Jefferson was “a principal writer of the Constitution of the United States.” (note: he was in France and not at the Constitutional Convention) FULL STORY HERE

Louisiana Republican encourages teaching ‘the good’ of slavery, not critical race theory. Seems he thinks honest history is bad for the state's children. Oddly enough, he did not elaborate on the "good" aspects of slavery. 

Rep Lauren Boebert, responds to President Biden's executive orders on gun control by issue tweet that reveals that she doesn't know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, saying 2nd Amendment “was written in 1776.” She eventually deleted the tweet, but not before we snagged a screenshot. You're welcome!

Texas GOP chairman Allen West falsely says Texas could secede from the US: “We could go back to being our own Republic.”  The former congressman claimed, "This is something that was written into the Texas Constitution. Or it was promised to Texas when we became part of the United States of America-- that if we voted and decided, we could go back to being our own republic." ​Kinda cool, right? If only it wasn't completely and utterly false.  In fairness, West might have been confusing secession with an actual stipulation that said Texas could divide itself into several individual states. But who can say? ...

Mississippi teacher asks students to pretend they are slaves and write a letter home to Africa about life in America


Donald Trump, Jr claims “This has to be the worst first year of a Presidency in American History.” Lincoln is waiting on Line 1. Hoover on Line 2. FULL STORY HERE uses Dorothea Lange’s iconic 1936 photo, “Migrant Mother” in real estate ad. The woman was a migrant worker struggling to survive during the Great Depression. 

North Dakota state Sen. Janna Myrdal wants the Ten Commandments posted in public schools because, he claims, the Founders wrote the Constitution based on them. Well, we checked all 4,400 words of the Constitution and did not find a single reference to, invocation of, or homage related to the Ten Commandments. We DID find a pesky First Amendment that prohibited the government from establishing a religion, but I don't think that helps his case. ​​

NC Rep. Dan Bishop Downplays January 6 attack on the US Capitol: "If it was an insurrection, it was the worst example of an insurrection in the history of mankind."  FULL STORY HERE

West Point tweets on Juneteenth that Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee Announced End of Slavery in TX (nope, he a] fought to preserve slavery and b] surrendered his army to Grant 2 months earlier)  

Former Trump Advisor Peter Navarro Claims Dr. Fauci Is “the biggest mass murderer in history and also a serial killer.” Why? Because Fauci blocked his attempt to distribute millions of doses of hydroxychloroquin to treat Covid-19 (psst! because it didn't work).   ​

Writer Jane Hampton Cook says Ben Franklin fought “cancel culture” back in 1731. Which is AMAZING given the fact that "cancel culture" a) was invented in 2017 and b) doesn't actually exist. Ms. Cook seems not to understand the concept of criticism. Nor does she seem to appreciate that Franklin's critics were - wait for it - conservative religious leaders. 

Dennis Prager Claims Gay Men during 1980s AIDS Crisis Were Never Treated as Pariahs Like Today's Unvaccinated FULL STORY HERE

Arkansas lawmakers introduce “Saving American History Act of 2021” banning teaching anything associated with the NYT's 1619 Project. You know, stuff like slavery, social justice, racism, white supremacy, diversity, etc. Because .... those things never happened? Or maybe ....  

Glenn Beck Compares Twitter's Banning of Donald Trump and others connected to the January 6 Insurrection to the Holocaust: “This is like the Germans with the Jews behind the wall. They would put them in the ghetto. This [social media ban] is the digital ghetto….And that’s where we are. That’s where millions of Americans will be.”

Trump lawyer compares Trump's January 6 speech that incited a mob to attack the US Capitol to one made by civil rights leader Julian Bond protesting the Vietnam War. This might be a case of grasping at straws, but maybe also straight up ignorance? Doesn't really matter.    


Rep Chip Roy glorifies Texas’ history of lynchings at a hearing about anti-Asian violence. Roy said, “There’s an old saying in Texas about ‘find all the rope in Texas and get a tall oak tree.’ You know, we take justice very seriously." 


A Wyoming lawmaker says Black Americans are “stuck” in a mentality that is “worse than slavery itself.” He continued, "we have created a place where [black] people cannot get free from because of their past." FULL STORY HERE

AL GOP gives Trump framed resolution calling him one of the “greatest” presidents in history. Do they know about the other 44? And that DT lost re-election? 


Pressured by conservatives, TX’s Bullock Museum cancels event for new book about the Alamo that challenges popular and inaccurate myths FULL STORY HERE

Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene compares US House of Representatives mask mandate to the Holocaust: "we can look back at a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star...they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany...And this is exactly the type of abuse that Nancy Pelosi is talking about." ​Yeah. Exactly. 

South Dakota Senator says Founding Fathers would be against DC Statehood. Observers like us noted that a) so what? They also opposed emancipation, direct election of senators, women's suffrage, and a powerful military; and b) there's no freakin' way to know what the Founders would have opposed or supported, be it, say, South Dakota statehood, locomotives, electricity, or a female vice president. 

Latta Plantation in NC plans (& cancels) Juneteenth event featuring reenactors playing former “bondsmen” now “living high on the hog” in the “massa’s” house. Plus slaveholders as “white refugees.” Yeah, in 2021.​ FULL STORY HERE

Ex-State Dept official Ellie Cohanim says US needs “a domestic Anti-Semitism Czar." Hmm. A "Czar"? Does she know about the actual Russian Czars and their record of murderous antisemitism? FULL STORY HERE

Former White House press sec Kayleigh McEnany says, “All of our main Founding Fathers were against slavery.” Actually, most of them owned hundreds of slaves and devised a Constitution that protected slavery. But please, go on… FULL STORY HERE

Prager University posts a video defending Confederate General Robert E. Lee for, among other things, “crush[ing] the attempted slave rebellion by radical abolitionist John Brown.” Last time we checked, radical abolitionists like John Brown played an instrumental role in bringing about the end of slavery, so your point is....? 

Texas Senator Ted Cruz says laws making it easier to vote are actually “Jim Crow 2.0,” (you know, Jim Crow, the system that deprived most black Americans of the right to vote for nearly 100 years). Plus Cruz throws in some cartoonishly bad political history for good measure 

Listed in chronological order. Scroll to the end to find the most recent history fails. The nomination season runs from December to December, so the first few nominations for 2021 occurred in December 2020.

Ex-Trump Adviser Stephen Miller Cites MLK in Suit Claiming Program to Benefit Black Farmers - Who Have Had 90% of Their Land Stolen in the 20th Century - Constitutes Racism Against Whites.  

Dinesh D’Souza reprises his go-to bit about “progressive historians,” Democrats, and Nazis.  In his latest ill-fated tilt with historian Kevin Kruse, D'Souza writes, "I open a boot shop in historian Kevin Kruse's rear end. DEMOCRATS and NAZIS." A "boot shop"? Gawd that's weird and creepy. 

Rep Madison Cawthorn Botches John Adams Quote About Facts (Indeed, they are stubborn things!). Man, for a self-proclaimed lover of history, he needs a refresher course. FULL STORY HERE

Nikki Haley's tweet about George Washington reveals she don't know much about history. "As President," she wrote, "he oversaw the creation of our Constitution," even though there was no presidency until the Constitution was drafted and ratified. Are we being picky? Hell yeah. 


California official compares her refusal to wear mask to Rosa Parks' civil rights fight. Because, as we all know, having to abide by sensible public health measures is the same as living under a murderous and exploitative Jim Crow system. 

Tucker Carlson says the 1965 Immigration Reform Act was “the greatest attack on our democracy” since the Civil War – not the Jan 6 Insurrection. Fun fact: the 1965 Immigration Reform Act eliminated explicitly racist immigration quotas and ended immigration restriction adopted in the 1920s. FULL STORY HERE

Rep Matt Gaetz claims the 2nd Amendment is for “maintaining within the citizenry the ability to maintain an armed rebellion against the government.” This is a widely circulated gun rights fever dream reading of the 2nd Amendment. No reputable historian supports the notion that the Founders put in the Constitution - the document creating the US government - a means for its violent overthrow. FULL STORY HERE

JD Vance on vax rules: “I can’t think of any disease or pandemic in American history that prompted this level of control.” Historians: Dude, read a book on, say, the 1918-1919 pandemic; or George Washington ordering all soldiers in the Continental Army at Valley Forge inoculated against small pox. FULL STORY HERE

Sen Josh Hawley quotes MLK in opposing nominee who spoke out against systemic racism (note: MLK spoke out against systemic racism)  FULL STORY HERE

Commentator Matt Walsh declares white supremacy “the most delusional and destructive moral panic in American history.” Who's gonna tell him about McCarthyism? Salem Witch Trials?​

Writer Will Chamberlain simpers that Jan 6 Insurrection at the US Capitol - which nearly resulted in the murders of members of Congress and the Vice president - means conservatives will “face a level of collective discrimination by the institutions of our society not seen since Jim Crow.” Oh, the humanity! 

OK. We're short on time here. This is what you need to know: some rando named Max Hastings says American universities have declared war on military history. We checked and basically, he's full of shit. Military history is alive and well in the US. True, it's not just about heroic white dudes executing flanking maneuvers and such, which is what ol' Max considers military history. In 2021. 

The Catholic League claims Thanksgiving – established by anti-Catholic Puritans - was a “Catholic-rooted national holiday” FULL STORY HERE

GOP Rep. Thomas Massie Ripped For Most Absurd Vaccine-Holocaust Comparison Yet FULL STORY HERE

Nominees for the 2021 Weemsy Awards™

Journalist Zev Shalev says Trump is “the only white supremacist president in US history.” He's accurate enough about the former president's views on race, but kinda not on the "only" part. Many presidents, including some of the biggies like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe, owned slaves and were of the belief that they belonged to the supreme race.  

TN parent group objects to book about desegregation history because “it too harshly divided Black and white people, without offering any ‘redemption’ at the end.” They also disapproved of educators teaching words like "injustice," "unequal," "inequality," "protest," "marching," and "segregation” in a book about – wait for it - the civil rights era. FULL STORY HERE

Rep Burgess Owens rejects reparations; says African American history is millions of blacks “achieving the American dream”


Boston mayor Kim Janey compares vaccine passports to documentation required during slavery. Said Janey: "There's a long history in this country of people needing to show their papers. During slavery, post-slavery, as recent as you know what immigrant population has to go through here.  FULL STORY HERE

Rep. Mark Green says Joe Biden is “more left than Woodrow Wilson." To which we reply: a) how so? b) and this means? 


Fortnite releases new video game version set at MLK’s famous “I Have A Dream” speech and it’s a disaster  FULL STORY HERE

Tucker Carlson says the US in the mid-20th century “championed meritocracy and color blindness.” Really? Might you explain something called the Civil Rights movement? 


The Heritage Foundation, condemning "radical left" critics of the royal family, calls the British monarchy a "Cornerstone of Western Democracy" (Whose gonna tell ‘em about the American Revolution?) FULL STORY HERE

Rick Santorum says when white people arrived in America, “We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean, there was nothing here. I mean, yes we have Native Americans but candidly there isn't much Native American culture in American culture.”  He also said other nonsense about Europeans all coming to colonial America for religious freedom. 

National Review writer Rich Lowry says Biden is the most radical left-wing president in US history. Well, more than one of us here wonder if Rich ever read anything about, say, the New Deal, or maybe the Great Society? or the Emancipation Proclamation? Oh, forget it. 

SC Rep Nancy Mace quotes Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King in opposition to Trump’s impeachment: “I’m asking my colleagues to remember the words of the legendary, the great leader in this country, Dr. Martin Luther King, who once said ‘the time is always right to do what is right’.” And that's because King supported efforts to use violence to overturn an election and topple the US government? Perhaps we missed school the day ​that was covered...

Tucker Carlson says US is experiencing “the biggest influx of refugees in American history” and that’s the cause of the current housing crisis (Umm, no. Not even close on either front)  FULL STORY HERE

Georgia lawmaker expelled from legislative chamber for refusing Covid test compares himself to black legislators expelled during Jim Crow. Maybe not the best historical reference, dude, since those 33 legislators were expelled in a white supremacist coup, whereas you were just paying the price for being a dick.

OH Senate candidate Josh Mandel uses MLK quote in denouncing Critical Race Theory. MLK family sez, uhh NOPE!  FULL STORY HERE

AZ state senator likens COVID vax to Holocaust, tweets a swastika, & tells Jewish group that complained to “learn your history”   FULL STORY HERE

Rep Matt Rosendale says Juneteenth is a leftist plot to “replace July 4th with a day focused on America’s darkest moments” (um, "dark moments" like the end of slavery?) 

PBS’s American Experience says claims of Black soldiers serving in the Confederate Army “continue to be topics of debate.” To which historians responded, uh, nope. There were enslaved black men who accompanied their masters who served in the Confederate Army, but they were not "Black Confederates." FULL STORY HERE

Rep Madison Cawthorne says of the excitement he feels in the wake of the Jan 6 Insurrection and second Trump impeachment, “I feel a lot like Magellan. You know – the great explorer,” apparently unaware of Magellan’s ultimate fate when he reached the Philippines (Hint: it involved poison arrows and did not go well for Magellan).

Sen Ted Cruz cites the ignominious Compromise of 1877 - in which a partisan commission illegitimately awarded the presidency to Rutherford B. Hayes - as precedent for challenging Biden’s election victory. The Compromise led to the dismantling of Reconstruction and re-imposing of white supremacy in the South. 

Writer Jarrett Stepman defends Robert E. Lee by listing his contributions to the US, but nothing about the time he tried to destroy it​. Kind of a big omission, no? 

Senator Mitch McConnell says the filibuster, which was used on innumerable occasions to defend slavery and stymie civil rights laws, “has no racial history at all. None. There's no dispute among historians about that” FULL STORY HERE

Political activist Ned Ryun claims MLK “would be horrified by” Critical Race Theory & Black Lives Matter. Actually, he'd be pretty horrified by this utterly absurd and unsupportable claim.  FULL STORY HERE

AZ state senator Wendy Rogers defends Confederate General Robert E. Lee - the man who led the military effort to destroy the United States and establish a permanent slaveholding republic - was “a great patriot and a great leader” who “loved our country more than Antifa.” 

Trump commission’s “1776 Report” on US History - Largely Written by Non-Historians - Derided and Dismissed by Actual Historians

Writer Chilton Williamson, Jr, in attack on “woke” culture, invokes debunked myth that "many Southern blacks, freemen as well as slaves, fought on the side of the Confederacy." Hmm. Maybe read a book - one written by a historian, rather than inaccurate internet drivel? Just a thought. 

QB Aaron Rodgers cites MLK in defending his decision to not get vaccinated. People on earth say, Wah? FULL STORY HERE

We received a record 140 nominations for the 2021 Weemsies™! 

The Arkansas state legislature considers allowing teaching creationism because, as proponents put it, “the Founding Fathers mentioned the Creator in the Declaration of Independence and allowed creation to be taught in classrooms.” Well, they got the first statement right about the Declaration, but we're pretty sure Thomas Jefferson - the guy who believed in science and dissed established religion as just so much hocus pocus - was endorsing creationism. As for the classrooms claim, um, creationism was invented in the 20th century, so...